Monday, October 8, 2007

Oppose Mountain Top Removal Mining

Oppose the destructive practice of mountaintop removal mining!

Sign the petition»
Mountaintop removal mining is the nation's most destructive form of coal mining, and it has to stop.

Mountaintop removal is exactly what it sounds like: Mining companies clearcut native forests and blow off mountaintops with explosives to uncover thin seams of coal, then dump millions of tons of the waste rock into the valleys below, permanently burying streams.

This devastating practice poisons drinking water, lays waste to wildlife habitat, increases risk of flooding, and wipes out entire communities.

Little by little, mountaintop removal mining is destroying the mountains, streams, communities, and heritage of Appalachia.

You can help: Please urge your member of Congress to protect Appalachia's streams by co-sponsoring the Clean Water Protection Act (H.R. 2169)!

Thank you for caring and taking action,

Rebecca Young,
Care2 and ThePetitionSite team

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